What is Frogblue? Home Automation Guide 2023
What is Frogblue? Home Automation Guide 2023<

What is Frogblue? Home Automation Guide 2023

What is domotica?

Home automation, also known as smart home or home automation, is the use of technology to control and automate various functions in your home. Think of things like lighting, blinds, heating, air conditioning, alarm systems and entertainment systems. The purpose of home automation is to make homes more comfortable and user-friendly. Home automation systems can be controlled via various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, computers, voice assistants or with a display on the wall.

What kind of home automation systems are there?

Popular home automation systems in 2023 will be systems via WiFi, Zigbee, Z-Wave, or Bluetooth.

WiFi uses a star network, while Zigbee, Z-Wave and Bluetooth use a mesh network. With a mesh network, all devices are ‘repeaters’. They connect with each other and exchange commands. That way, both the network, and the reach, is extended. Below is a picture for clarification.

Image of Mesh network vs Star network from Tweakers

However, there are some downsides to each system…


High energy consumption. One drawback of WiFi smarthomes is that it consumes a lot of energy. So this also means that battery-powered devices will not last long.

Zigbee and Z-Wave

Hub or bridge required. Devices are not equipped with a Zigbee or Z-Wave signal. That’s why you need a hub or bridge for this home automation system.


More advanced installation. The installation of Bluetooth home automation systems are often a bit more complicated than WiFi, Zigbee or Z-Wave.

The No 1: Frogblue

Frogblue is a new home automation system made in Germany. Frogblue has developed all the pluses of current systems into one solution. That means:

  • No hub or bridge needed
  • Frogblue is double secured
  • Uses the mesh network via Bluetooth
  • Highly energy-efficient
frog behind light switch

Frog – this is what the green box is called that sits invisibly in the recessed box behind the light switch. The frogs respond to light buttons, switches and window contacts. They switch, dim, measure and open doors. Via Bluetooth, they wirelessly connect ‘virtual cables’ with other frogs and exchange commands throughout the building. That’s going to be lightning fast. Messages from other frogs transmit them in encrypted form, extending their reach.

a++ energielabel

At just 0.2 watts, the frogs are exceptionally energy-saving. With the distinctive 30 frogs, this adds up to just 6 watts. In contrast, wired systems with switchgear quickly require 500 W. Even dimming saves energy, as the frogs do not even get hand-warm under full load. This extends the lifespan. Wiring that is no longer needed also does not need to be produced.

On a television night, all it takes is one click and all the lights and blinds adjust. When the house is left, a command lowers the blinds, switches off the heating and all lights, and activates the alarm system. This can be activated via display, smartphone or simply by double-clicking the light switch. Should a window or external door still be open, this will be indicated.

frogblue display

With an integrated alarm system, the frogblue display monitors the building. Wireless. Any door, window, light switch or motion detector can trigger an alarm. Filtered in time or only in certain areas. A call with a voice message signals the alarm and also reaches those places where the internet is down due to poor connectivity. Remote control and intercom are also possible by phone.

Everything stays in the house and everything is encrypted. Without cloud and internet. This is only necessary if you want to control the house from your smartphone.

In what situations can you use frogblue?

Frogblue can be used for functions such as lighting, shading, heating – cooling – ventilation, alarm system etc. The German frogblue team is doing well with new products. For example, a smart doorbell is coming soon. You can read more about the frogblue applications here!

Interested in frogblue?

Also hot on frogblue yet? Tradim provides frogblue training for installers. You can sign up for the course here. (Note: spots are limited) Buy Frogblue as a consumer? Contact us.

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